Service Design In The News from the International Service Design Institute
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We Scour The Internet For Service Design News

Challenging Opportunities Await Service Designers
Service designers who responded to an ISDI Service Design 2022 Survey told researchers at the International Service Design Institute (ISDI) that they find their work challenging and exhilarating. Respondents indicated where they work and for whom, and the skills and background required to be successful service designers.  These and other insights offer a more complete picture of how service design is practiced.  The ISDI, an e-learning organization for training service designers, conducts periodic surveys for insights to include in our training.
Service Designers Are Helping To Mitigate The Impact From Natural Disasters Due To Climate Change
U.S. agencies Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) and the National Academy of Sciences are encouraging communities regularly impacted by global warming, to develop mitigation plans. This includes low-lying areas subject to floods, areas that are experiencing unprecedented heat that results in drought and wildfires, and regions hit by storms that leave communities stranded for days and weeks, such as when Hurricane Katrina hit the southern coast of Louisiana.
Service Designer Job Description
We asked practitioners and employers for the knowledge and skills required of a service designer.  For employers, we asked how they evaluate candidates. For service designers, we asked what knowledge and skills they used in their work.
Become a Certified Service Designer
Become Credentialed
The Apprentice Self-Paced Online Course And Certification 
Price Reduced To $123
The Journeyman online course, the second in a three-part series of Service Design courses, covers service ideation, Journey Maps, Service Blueprints, and Touchpoints - in order of how you would design a service. Instruction includes techniques explained, models, images, charts, diagrams, templates, and case studies.  
Topics: ♦  Creating services that meet user needs. ♦  Shaping the user experience. ♦  Creating journey maps. ♦  Blueprinting a service. ♦  Implementing touchpoints
More Opportunities to Learn Service Design

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